If you’re wondering which Five in a Row curriculum manual is the right place for you to begin, you can reference the graphic below to see at a glance the appropriate age ranges for each volume. It is important to remember, though, that Five in a Row is a “low floor/high ceiling” curriculum and most of the lessons can be adapted (with additional effort) to suit nearly any age or learning level. To read more about the “low floor/high ceiling” philosophy, click here.
If you have multiple ages and are trying to decide which manuals to use, you have a couple of choices. You may choose to keep them together; teaching your oldest child and letting the younger children tag along can work well if there’s not a large age gap. Often, teaching from multiple manuals that are age-appropriate is actually easier for you (less work, less planning) than trying to adapt lessons from one manual to fit much older or younger children. Check out the questions about teaching multiple ages on the FAQs page for more info.