Five in a Row Bible Supplement for Volumes 1-4
(Second Edition) $49
Completely redesigned and updated throughout, the Five in a Row Bible Supplement, 2nd Edition, provides hundreds of lessons in character development with accompanying Bible references. Each story has numerous lessons to choose from, all in an easy-to-use format. These memorable Bible lessons emerge quite naturally from each of the 66 stories used in the second editions of Five in a Row, Volumes 1-4.
In this second edition, new Teacher’s Notes pages follow each title, providing several additional options for using this supplement. You’ll find space to record Bible memory verses or copywork, related worship songs or hymns, your student’s drawing of the Bible story you’ve discussed, and more.
A free sample of the Five in a Row Bible Supplement is included with other FIAR sample units! Please click here.)
Five in a Row Bible Supplement for Volumes 5-8
(Second Edition) $49
This volume of the Five in a Row Bible Supplement will complement your Five in a Row Volume 5-8 lessons. This supplement contains the same features that are listed above.