Your students’ learning styles can impact how they process and retain information. Whether you use Five in a Row or another curriculum, when you find ways to teach to their preferred learning style, it will make your job and theirs easier. We’ll have additional blog posts that highlight each learning style.
An auditory learner learns best by hearing information. Here are a few tips for teaching an auditory learner—learn to utilize:
Reading aloud (audiobooks are a good tool, too)
Spoken instruction
Discussion-based learning (talk through lessons, lectures, questions,
daily conversation, etc.)
Verbally repeating or sharing what they are learning (have them teach the
lesson back to you or to a sibling or a friend)
Videos to supplement lessons can also be a good fit here (they are more visual
but because the student also hears the lessons on the video it
covers auditory learners as well)
If you have an active learner—whether they have ADHD or just need a lot of activity (this is true of many young children)—provide them with activities they can do that are tied to lessons. For example, place sight words on post-it notes all over the house and have them run to each one and read it. Then, do ten jumping jacks, run to the next word, and read it. Or, have them jump rope as they spell words or recite math facts.

Five in a Row can be a great fit for auditory learners because it often uses discussion-based lessons and has the parent/teacher reading the picture book out loud daily to the student. Download a FREE Five in a Row sample unit and try it today! Click here for your sample.