Do you love podcasts? Do you love homeschool podcasts? Well, you are in for a treat.

Jane and I first became acquainted with Jay and Heidi St. John in 1998 when we were speaking at the same homeschool conference. Over the past twelve years, the four of us have become close friends, encouraging one another in ministry. Heidi and I often speak together at the same conferences and events and Jane and I are regular guests on Heidi’s Podcast. We also serve on the Board of Directors of Heidi St John’s “Firmly Planted Family” ministries.

We love to share our vision for homeschooling, reading aloud, and foundational faith with Heidi and her listeners. Jane shines when sharing encouragement for those bad homeschool days (it’s okay, everybody has them), and discussing homeschooling questions and answers with Heidi.
So if you love homeschool podcasts, go through and listen to all of our podcast conversations with Heidi St. John to gain assurance and inspiration from our shared years of homeschooling knowledge.
Enjoy these homeschool podcasts and let us know what tips blessed you the most!? Comment below and share with us.