Almost all of use want to see how others homeschool. The beauty of Before Five in a Row is that it can be adapted to fit your family in many, many ways… as many ways as there are families and children using it!
Before Five in a Row is intended to be used quite simply:
1) Read a delightful book to your children – several times over a few days.
2) Notice topics -listed in your B4 manual– that lend themselves to exploration.
3) Lead your child through living learning as you explore those topics in your daily lives!
This is where the linky comes in…
We all “explore topics” in various ways. We have different ages of children with different interests, attention spans, needs and ability levels. We all want ideas and inspiration, so let’s see what Before Five in a Row looks like in your home! If you’re a blogger – amateur or veteran, link up and share what living learning looks like in your home!
Answer this question how ever you want to: What does Before Five in a Row look like in your family? (Do you plan? Are you structured about it? Do you follow the seasons? Do you follow rabbit trails? Have a favorite week of “rowing” you want to share about?) Don’t be shy! Simple is great, so share that with us too! (Don’t feel like your entire blog needs to be focused on Before Five in a Row… just link to a post that displays what it looks like for you!)
One point I want to make before we all run off and read all of these posts about others’ homeschooling experiences is this:
YOUR home isn’t supposed to look like HER home.
We do want ideas, inspiration and encouragement! Yet dare I add… affirmation? We want to know that we’re doing it right, but as you read these, read them for encouragement. Don’t walk away feeling guilty that you’re not that fun, that crafty, that organized, that anything you think you’re not enough of. God gave you to your children to school them the way you see fit, and if you wrote a blog post, you’d choose to put your best foot forward as well! So read these and glean ideas from lots of other mamas who wrote about doing this thing well, but choose to walk away inspired, not discouraged!
I can’t wait to see what you come up with, Mamas! I know you all love your children dearly, now show us how you love learning with them! Remember this one is for Before Five in a Row. We’ll have separate linkies for the other levels shortly!
**The linky will stay open until April 1, so get writing! Be sure to include a link back to this post in your blog post as well.**
Hi, I don’t see any blogs to hop to. How do I hop to them?
We need people to link up! When they do, they’ll show up easily.
I’m trying to link up a few of my posts, but it won’t work
Do you have the backlink included in your posts? This sort of linky requires that you include a link back to the FIAR linky post somewhere in your linked post.
Thank you so much for putting this together. I love seeing what other moms are doing with the stories. What a great place to share ideas and encouragement.
Will you be having a five in a row link up too? That would be wonderful, if you did.
Yes, Kimberly! I have it scheduled for next week!
Thanks so much for hosting this. I love looking at other blogs and seeing all that they do with a row!